Taraba Social Media Influencer Withdraws Contest For Mr. Ichen International




Elisha Sabo Nuhu has made it clear his withdrawal of interest  contesting  of Mr. Ichen International 

Immediate apologies for pulling out of stake to run for the office of Mr. Ichen International.

I Elisha Nuhu Sabo, 18years old, Ichen by ethnical categorization and Taraba state social media Writer & Influencer. Hails from Tati-Ndoro Donga Lga.

I wish to use this medium, expressing my immense gratitude and pleasure via my official and personal facebook profile @Elisha Nuhu Sabo that I had earlier shown keen interest to run for the office of Mr. Ichen International.

After been duly approached by several calibers of highly respected person(s) from my ethnic group, who had wanted me to run for the said office, because of my social media influence where I can depict and promote my culture [Ichen].

Subsequently after several and critical consultations with my mentors, I wish to say I have pulled out of the race and dropped down my interest not to run for the office.

It's for my own good though with a mixed feeling I couldn't deliver, but there's always a next time. I might reconsider to run for that same office or another (higher) one in the future when the time is ripe and due. I'll flung my support to anyone who's running for the office or wish to run for the office.

Thank you to all the people who had wished I should have run for that office, I'm sorry I couldn't make it up to your expectations forgive my choice and kindly respect my decision thank you.

The future will surely be greater than today!

SEN - Sabo Elisha Nuhu
Brand Ambassador Veektoh Art

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