The 31 predictions that may happen in the future by senator shehu sani


He senator write on his Facebook handles My THIRTY ONE predictions that might happen in the future. 

1.A cosmic mysterious virus will hit the internet and wipe out most data.Keeping data in Hardcopy is the saving grace. 

2.Banks as we know it with big buildings will disappear.You can’t physically walk in or out of the Bank.Every kind of transaction will become online. 

3.Electricity;there will be no more power lines.Consumers will receive electricity supplies to their homes or industries or offices just like the way they receive telecoms signals. 

4.Petrol stations will disappear.Gas stations will disappear.Electric charging stations that is now the vogue will also disappear.Cars and vehicles will use the oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air and simply move. 

5.Scientists will discover the genes that will grow human limbs when they are amputated and same will happen to human teeth when removed. 

6.China,India,Russia and some countries will send humans to the Moon;there will be a second space race since the Apollo missions.But their will be a mysterious seismic rage from the moon that will send fear and harmful effects here on earth.Human search for alien life will come with consequences. 

7.Some mysterious creatures never seen before will emerge from the oceans and scientists will struggle to study and understand them. 

8.If Ethiopia survives,it’s going to be a Military and Technological power.When Nigeria’s oil dries up,the nation will become a new manufacturing capital of the World and its diaspora will be the most accomplished in the World. 

9.A new tech company will emerge from India that will beat Apple and the rest. 

10.A Black African team will win the FIFA World Cup. 

11. Africans will stop dying to go to Europe and the US.Many African Americans will move back to Africa to seek second citizenship. 

12.An independent Palestinian state will emerge and be recognized by the World. 

13.Examinations will be wiped out from schools and students will be assessed with continuous assessment. 

14.Technology will make it harder for terrorists to operate without paying the price. 

15.There will be more unmarried women than married women;Cultures and religions that oppose polygamy will endorse polygamy. 

16.There will be lesser force of gravity than it used to be. 

17.People will stop dying from Cancer of any sorts.Discoveries will be made from simple plants. 

18.Humanity will start giving birth to Babies who can read and operate computers even without being taught. 

19.There will be an unintended nuclear accident that will come with consequences. 

20.An ancient civilisation will be discovered in Africa that will give a clearer picture of the earliest origin of human organized society.

21.Humanity can live without Gold and Diamonds but can’t live without water.In the Future,water will be more searched for than Gold or Diamonds.

22.Areas of the World that are not prone to natural disaster should always prepare for such eventualities. 

23.In the future,as human species evolves,there will be very few ugly people  and ugly people will be more sought after. 

25.Inter marriages between whites and black peoples will lead to the wiping out of black people as a race. 

26.As more people get more educated and younger peoples lives get more attached to the internet,Governments of the future will face more frequent protests and strikes than those of the present.Tyranny will be difficult to sustain. 

27.An asteroid will hit the earth eventually. 

28.There will be more gyms and more fat people.

29.An abundance of precious resources will be discovered under the Sahara Desert. 

30.Volcanic eruptions will happen in places never thought of. 

31.There will be a strong sound like thunder from the outer space that will be heard in all parts of the World at the same time.

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