Is Technology A Problem to Humanity? An Article By Herbert N Bello Jnr


Is Technology A Problem to Humanity?

An Article By Herbert's N. Bello Jnr.


Technology being a Means towards easing the hectic activity of Man is aimed at reducing workload to human beings as well creating more grounds to Solving day today Activities of Man. But today, the Impact of These, is used in reversed order  as it's  causing more harm to the said Human being that is supposed to ease his workload.

To go Deeper into the Context let's First of all look at the Definition of Technology:-

Wikipedia: defined Technology as the application of scientific knowledge for practical Purposes, especially in industry. 


 And also as a Machinary and equipment developed as a result of the application of scientific knowledge.

Let's go with the second definition. The aim is to ease spending much Capitals as well as save energy for human relief and efficiency. The Rationale behind the Inception is good and meaningful. Not until more advancements are made in the Field, the whole achievements is almost becoming a damage to Human Existence and productivity. 

What are the Negative Damages!

* Let's look at it in the following Field:-

- Education, Health, Human Socialisation, Psychology and lastly the Economy.

* Education:- 


The Advancement of Technology in the field of Education ease access to knowledge where needed materials for research are found and traced within the twinkling of an Eye but the whole system came with lotta set back. Knowledge that is entirely supposed to be Guided by plans, Schemes and Curriculum, So as to cover stages and steps before the attainment of  such  knowledge is disrupted and the aim  to get you readily groomed to absorb and utilize those knowledges, is so far forfeited.  The students are exposed to rational knowledge where both Cumulative and Mental Age Capacity is not ready and Stable to carry. It becomes more dangerous to them. 

Creativity is easily retired in their genes and it creates a dangerous impression in them to always assume that things are solved already for them to pick and use.

* Human Socialisation:

 Even though the use of social media brings The Global World to a Close mark, it also separates the immediate people with their loved ones as it creates distancing between neighbors who are supposed to share exciting and beneficial discussions that are worthy of transforming their immediate environs.

The use of social media placed most teenagers to unguarded knowledge that caused more harm to them and their community. Most of the vise's that abhorred society today are most often secured through the innovations of Technology. The Self acclaimed glory that most people are longing and yearning for, most of it is gotten from those exposed content online. The Case of Nigeria is Indifferent as most guys are no longer Deriving Prowess to Hardwork. Where tends to think outwardly and render themselves Nuisance ordinarily to foot their bills. The sense of Pride is Replaced as shameful act is no longer shameful as far as it will put food on the table. Many are not seeing marriage as a livelong journey! Our African Culture of Good homily training and Upbringing is reduced to ground level.

*Psychological Damage:

 It is said that Every Natural Being ( Human) is embedded with Potentials ( Talent) the aim of such gifting is to create uniqueness to make a contribution to knowledge as well as the ease of human suffering. Part of that is what brought about the development of Technological Gadgets. but Today we have Innovations that are almost replacing human Being from Being. Most innovations are retiring many people from Excelling and Striving as well denying them the access to be more Creative. Those that are advanced in using the Technological  Means, are using the ones Behind indirectly. buying their ideas and knowledge to keep striving and also making them Less productive as most of their knowledge is no longer needed after waste of time to conduct research and findings. 

*The Economy: 

Even though it plays an instrumental support to the boasting of Economical activities Globally by bringing the world closer to the people, it also creates a more harmful means of taking away resources of people within the glypses of An Eye. Cyber Crime has come to stay and many more are coming to keep extorting people from their hard earned money. It paved a high level of  distrust Amidst people too. 

* Health Sector.

The Inbalance Created here is seen in the reductions of human Capital. Labour Force that took much Enegies and Time to harnessed are silence by technical Gadgets. Same Human preffer technological Solutions to their Health Wise Issues inside of the Human Knowledge that is worthy of Finding new solution that can Heal as well help drop the manance down from raising again. The believe system in human being today that technology places a role more effective in their health life alone, Is troubling and Alarming to more danger in the dear future. 

Other Factors to Consider:-

* The Development of Artificial Intelligence Another Big Challenge as most Humans no longer have  trust in their instincts, Creativity and Innovations.

 Although the AI Development is done by the same human, it begins to Retire their Fellow humans from Existing. Today we have knowledge that is no longer needed because the task that knowledge is supposed to cover is handled by AI related Means.  The Curiosity that is supposed to Create room for more findings that can be Beneficial to Humanity, IA came and took off those Courage from humans. Human beings no longer stress themselves so secure new Ideas, knowledge as such, The Bounty Embedded potentials are no longer pressed to come out to reality.

* On the side of Religion,

 the Truth Remains that Technology creates a huge gap as misleaded beliefs can be traced at the doorpost of a person. Not as before that religious leaders guide the knowledge passed unto their members. Fake life that is preached against is now a form of new lifestyles even the pastors and Imams are not left behind. Many people lost taste for fellowship that is supposed to edify and encourage their fellowship with one another. They are either indoctrinated by what they saw or get pissed off by on the Media space.

Above all,  Life is Said to be Guided! Even The creation story proves that clearly. The moment The two first creation decided to walk the opposite path, we all knew the whole episode ended in penury.

 Technology today makes Life unguided, Rational and Misinformed to some Extent. Everyone assumed he owned his direction even in a place where his ideas might fail him. The result of such Harm can also be traced in the Coups coming up in most African Nations. I know, someone will say it relieves them from a bad leadership But! What about lives that can be lost as the result of those Crises?

Productivity in Students is no longer there as Even the Custodian of Knowledge's ( Professors) are depending today on GPT 4 and many other IA sites for their Lesson Notes as well. How can a student under the guidance of such a Pedagogue Recreate New Knowledge?

In Conclusion, We have to Understand that, the purpose of Technological Discovery is to ease human Hectic Labour but when it starts Retiring the same humans from Existing, the purpose is forfeited. 

A Secured as well Guided Knowledge saves people from a Danger that such knowledge may Cause, That's why our teachers exposed us to both Ad-vantages and Dis-advantages of Concepts.

Challenges are not the same Globally it differs from one environment and locations as such, not all knowledge is worth knowing all round as some will trigger more harm than solving them.

If Talent and Creativity ( Natural Means) is needed from humans, then the use of such means should be reduced drastically to some level to allow creativity to have dominance.

Jonathan Grudin, principal researcher at Microsoft, Once Said and I Quote,

“Social and civic activity will continue to change in response to technology use, but will it change its trajectory? Realignments following the Industrial Revolution resulted from the formation of new face-to-face communities, including union chapters, community service groups such as Rotary Club and League of Women Voters, church groups, bridge clubs, bowling leagues and so on. Our species is designed to thrive in modest-sized collocated communities, where everyone plays a valued part. Most primates become vulnerable and anxious when not surrounded by their band or troop. Digital media are eroding a sense of community everywhere we look. Can our fundamental human need for a close community be restored? or will we become more isolated, anxious and susceptible to manipulation?"

It's left for us to Digest!!!

 Not all Knowledge is Needed. We Should be Guided or Else! Technology will Help us Retire ourselves from Existing and create room for  Artificial Causes to  Replace Nature.

It's Never Too Late.

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Herbert Naphtali Bello 

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