Ouucchh This sh!t Really Hurt Written by Elisha Sabo Nuhu

"Alice you know cheating is wrong why do you choose to d!e in such a m!serable way." I said to Alice who was already crying while I bowed my head to the ground without looking at her face because she brought this upon herself.

My name is Affos, I'm an accountant but I came from the lower class I'm married to a very beautiful lady by name Viviana whom I got married to on a contract of one hundred million naira I signed with her father who was very wealthy.

There was a lady I met back then in the university whom I bumped into one day crying profusely as I was heading towards the lecture theatre, but I changed my direction heading towards her direction to know what the problem was because I couldn't bear to see her crying.

"Hey beautiful angel why are you crying? Is anything the matter talk to me" I said to her she raised her head up and pointed towards the east of north direction i saw a guy walking very fast away from the place where I met her.

The guy had showed her a gun and threatenëd to k!ll her if she doesn't succumb to what he told her. He had earlier asked her to submit her phone and any valuable on her body or else she will be a cörpsë the next minute as they speak.

I couldn't wait for her to finish I chased this guy with the speed of light, I was also armed with a Rk33 korea pistol I was also fortified at the same time no bullet can penetrate through my body or cause me any injury.

I immediately gave a chinese tumble like the one we do watch in american movies from nowhere my leg immediately landed on his back he fell on the ground with a loud report he was about to stand up when immediately I gave him a bicycle kick on his head and he fainted immediately.

So I took the phone and purse he had collected from Alice I also took along with me his gun I abandoned him there ran down to Alice and handed over her belongings to her "Thank you very much I really appreciate" she said as she gave me a hug then I felt warm immediately.

We immediately exchange contacts few days later we started calling each other our friendship grew from friends to soul mates as we started dating I already had a girl I wanted to marry right before I met Alice her  name is Viviana who came from the upper class.

Few years later we graduated from the university went for our national youth services and came back home safely a year later I married Viviana on contract because she came from a very rich family her father built a mansion for us, gave me a job in his bank as an accountant in chief.

He makes sure we never lack anything but the truth was that I never loved Viviana because she wasn't pretty and to make matter worst she's 4years older than me. I only followed her because of her money I was paid one hundred million to marry her but the person I love was Alice.

While married to Viviana as Alice was aware but we were still dating sometimes I lied to my wife, that I'll travel home but I went ahead to Alice place to pass the remaining days of my false trip there Alice was already madly in love with me she can't do without me but there's nothing I can do.

Alice had earlier asked me to take her in as a second wife but I protested I can't because we didn't signed for a polygamy marriage, I came from a low background I can't afford to be ripped off the wealth I was enjoying from Viviana's family but Alice also insisted.

Two days later Alice called me that she was pregnant for me I asked her to get rid of it but she wouldn't listen she said she will keep the baby and she's moving in with me soon she's gonna tell my wife Viviana how we have come this far as true lovers and she will be my second wife.

After she refused to throw away the pregnancy I thought about my life, I'm not ready to be ripped off the money me and my family are enjoying from Viviana's family I can't afford to see myself going back to square zero so I came up with a plan as I had to end it all once and for all.

The next day I visited Alice in an estate I rented for her I knocked at the door and here she comes as she opened the door, she immediately hugged me as she has missed me so badly but that was none of my business because I was there on a different mission so we immediately disengaged

"Alice you know cheating is wrong? Why have you chosen to d!e in such a m!serable way" I  said this to Alice as she knelt down crying and begging me but in no time I pulled the trigger send forth three bullets to her skull as she laid down on the ground blood was gushing out from her head.

Immediately I was about to leave the estate but I was late the estate has a cctv footage all over from nowhere, I begin to hear sound of siren I was arrested immediately while her cörpse was deposited at the morgue now the federal high court in jalingo have sentence me to dëäth by hanging.

Disclaimer: This piece was written by Elisha Nuhu Sabo. Musa Rhapsodi Affos was also featured alongside I'm fully back to my feet.

Elisha Nuhu Sabo

Brand Ambassador Veektoh Art

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