I'm more concerned about the Damage the Whole A.I will cause to creativity. It Starts retiring studio photographers just like the Hardcopy Photographers are affected by Studio. The Next step is to reach the graphics designers too as more features are being developed daily. As for school, that one is the worst. Today we have students that depends on the Net for everything studies and their horizon is almost empty. We live in a world where Human beings are making innovations that are retiring themselves from being.

Human existence  is almost replaced by humans. Thank God it's called artificial as such, everyone that chooses to adopt it Limits his Natural Endowment.

The Universities Dons ( Profs.) The supposed custodians of knowledge are now depending on AI generated their Lessons yet, they expect the students to find their contents interesting. We have students that access Nets more than the teachers, what will happen if the students find out all the supposed empirical knowledge's passed is A.I generated?

Although some say it's just creating Imaginations for the future. Does that mean it's replacing the God you claimed he holds the future? 

Take Note, Every Human is born with Potentials and knowledge to contribute to the world. Do not allow yours to be wasted by depending on an innovations that limits your thinking faculty from growing. When you finds solutions to every of your problem easily it means your spirit of curiosity is taken away. You don't want trials and you are already finished.

Think twice and Make Decisions. I might not be right with my reasoning for now. You are at liberty to give up your exploring your Horizon. 

Remember! God created you with  Unique (Gifting) idea to contribute to humanity. Do not waste it limiting your Brain to easy solutions to problems around you. Who knows, you might be the one to paint our Walls round the world. What will Happen if you choose to Stop Thinking Critically!!!


Herberts Naphtali Bello 

Department of Curriculum and Foundations. ABU Samaru, Zaria.

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